How are you choosing to show up?I started making it a point to show up differently (at least on the outside) and slowly I noticed people saying things like, “Lisa, you...
You are my accountability buddy! Let the "book-writing" begin! My JOY journey started through my family's first "JOY calendar", which was a white board filled with ideas on how we could celebrate...
Rising Tides Connection Conference is officially launching in Eastern Iowa on 4/27/23!! Click here to sign up! Rising Tides Connection Conference is officially launching in Eastern Iowa on...
Ready to level up your career or business in 2023? Join us for our Spring Rising Tides! As a way to ring in the new year, take $20 off your ticket with promo code RT20 Don’t miss out on this opportunity to start the new year...
Happy New Year! Wishing You a Happy New Year! "Take a leap of faith and begin this wondrous year by believing." Maybe it's a new hobby or a little more...
What do you want to start, quit, learn, visit, try, make and change this year? Let's Create Waves in 2023! If you love a new year as much as I do then chance are you are looking forward to creating some New Year's...