My goal will be to bring strategies and stories for these leaders to feel like 1x1s are something they “get to do” rather than “have to do”.
Raise a glass for better 1x1s!
Tomorrow I am with a group of leaders in the insurance industry, talking about performance management, specifically 1x1s and development discussions.
I have had team members who were over sharers, under sharers, negative nelly’s, eager eddies and everywhere in between, but my approach is always the same.
We will be talking all about:
- The conversation set-up (starters, the middle matters, and enders)
- The conversation structure
- Key phrases
- Why 1x1s are like gold!
My goal will be to bring strategies and stories for these leaders to feel like 1x1s are something they “get to do” rather than “have to do”.
To the leaders out there…you create ripples every single day and change the world, one team member at a time!