Are you habit-stacking?
A pretty smart guy named S.J. Scott wrote a book back in 2014 called 97 Small Life Changes That Take Five Minutes or Less, where he talked about the concept of habit stacking, which is taking a current habit and then stacking a new behavior on top. James Clear (also smart and well-known) touches on the concept in his book, Atomic Habits.
A recent habit stack for me has been, that I wait for my Keurig to brew my coffee in the morning, I make my grocery list…two birds with one stone!
On desk days (when I have no speaking gigs) I’ve been setting a timer so that after 45 minutes of sitting, I get up and walk for a few minutes. It’s definitely making me more productive (crossing my fingers it’s making me thinner too, ha)!
If you haven’t heard of this concept, I highly recommend it. What are some of your favorite habit stacks?