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Writing a book is quite a mental adventure!

I just turned in my final rounds of edits to the editor, and as I closed my laptop, I felt a rush of nerves, excitement, and accomplishment. And a bit of panic…

Writing a book is quite a mental adventure!

I just turned in my final rounds of edits to the editor, and as I closed my laptop, I felt a rush of nerves, excitement, and accomplishment. And a bit of panic…

What if they don’t like it?

What if it isn’t good?

Should I go through it one more time?

No, Lisa…

There will be people who like it and people who don’t. That’s life.

Good is relative…This is your first book (probably not your last), it won’t be the “best” thing you have ever produced, nor should it….just keep putting in the reps!

When you aim for perfection, you realize it’s a moving target (facepalm)

I know I’m not alone in this.

You too are on a journey that comes with nerves, excitement, and panic. (maybe a lot of panic!)

What can you remind yourself today?

And If you’re having a hard time, share it in the comments, and we can help you!


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