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What's a dream or goal you have been hesitant to pursue?

For the longest time, I found ways to NOT pursue my goals because of time, money, or life commitments (insert everything we have going on). I would proudly tell myself that that’s just the way things are.

But if I am being honest, I was using “life” as the surface excuse, it felt safer that way.

The deeper truth is that my long-held belief, that I am both “too much” and not enough, was holding me back. Almost like the crossing guard at my kid’s school who waves vigorously, wears the neon green vest, and holds up a giant stop sign on a stick.

When I’d start daydreaming about goal setting or starting a business, my mind would kick into gear and say, “Lisa, you’re too loud, too energetic, and too quirky. Also, who do you think you are? You are not brave enough, smart enough, and just plain enough.”

It wasn’t in the big moments, where my mind would hold up the big red stop sign, but rather in the ordinary day-to-day interactions. I’d sit down at my computer to start planning and I’d see a load of laundry needing folded. The dishes would whisper my name from the kitchen. I’d start making a life to-do list and then, it was time to get going on that distraction, my dreams would have to wait.

It wasn’t until I put a stake in the ground and made the shift to the coffee shop (no life distractions here!) that I realized the problem was ME. I was the one sabotaging things.

It took a few trips to the coffee shop, way too many venti coffees with cream, lots of staring at a blank screen, and a little bit of grit to get going, but here’s what I’ve learned.

My loud, energetic soul and quirky nature are gifts. I might not be the bravest, smartest, or enough-est (yes, that’s a word now), but I started chasing my dreams and no one has stopped me. When you let go, the crossing guard goes off duty and things start to happen.

Sure, folks might say things, but they are going to do that anyway! Everything is figure-outable. If the plan doesn't work, change the plan, not the goal.

If you would like the worksheet I use for the dream setting, I’ll put the link in the comments.


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