It’s a lot like life isn’t it? Where sometimes you float between experiences that feel like the back row, some middle row, and on a few rare occasions front and center.
Sometimes we sit in the back row…
My husband and I are known for going to concerts because music is our favorite!
We started our “concert tour” in college and I remember scraping together change (the actual coins) multiple times to come up with the money for a ticket. Often, we would find ourselves in the very back row of the venue or arena squinting to see the artist perform, but we would always leave feeling refueled and music filled.
It was then that we made a deal…that even if we have to sit in the back row, to save money or our busy schedules, then that’s what we will do…music is music, no matter your seat. We still tend to sit close to the back so that we can justify more concerts, but every so often we sneak to the front.
It’s a lot like life isn’t it? Where sometimes you float between experiences that feel like the back row, some middle row, and on a few rare occasions front and center.
In all of these moments, I try to remember that no matter where in the venue or where on the journey I am, it’s still music.
Cheers to some very close seats at Thomas Rhett - Home Team Tour 23 last night…and cheers to the front, middle, and back rows of life!