Each Rising Tides conference is unique because of the people who attend (I call them wavemakers) and the space that is carved out for good conversations to happen….think business deals, advice share, swapping stories, and my personal favorite....“I know someone who can help you with that”.
Connection and Coffee….
It's the cornerstone of each Rising Tides Connection Conference. It’s the method to my madness…
Whether you're an introvert, most comfortable snorkeling on the surface, or an extrovert ready to jump off the boat for a deep dive, there's someone for you to sip coffee with (or insert delicious drink of choice) and connect with here.
Each Rising Tides conference is unique because of the people who attend (I call them wavemakers) and the space that is carved out for good conversations to happen….think business deals, advice share, swapping stories, and my personal favorite....“I know someone who can help you with that”.
If you are wondering who attends this unconventionally inspiring conference, I’ll tell you that it’s for:
- Movers n' shakers - to curate ideas and be inspired
- Entrepreneurs - to feel rejuvenated and find connection and resources
- Business Development Folks - to spread the word and connect
- Organizations - to reward top talent by sending them to a refreshing day of connection and inspiration
- Individuals - who are contemplating a job change or are feeling burnt out, to spend time recharging, reflecting, and laughing with good souls
Rising Tides is all about connection and elevation. Join me for a day that you won’t forget!