This year I sent a few swag bags to the Ankeny After Prom, and it got me thinking about a memory (a ripple effect) that happened at my Junior prom.
Nostalgia is a powerful thing, isn't' it?
This year I sent a few swag bags to the Ankeny After Prom, and it got me thinking about a memory (a ripple effect) that happened at my Junior prom.
I remember that there was group of seven or eight of us who went to dinner at a "fancy" restaurant in a bigger neighboring town. Looking back, our group was SOO loud...we laughed, talked, and joked through the entire meal.
When we went to pay our bill, which was the most expensive food we had ever eaten, the waiter told us that our bill was taken care of by the couple a table over. We were STUNNED!
The couple told us that having us nearby was a blessing, and that it made them reminisce about their proms. They told us to live it up and dance the night way!
We all walked out of the restaurant with linked arms and huge smiles and the entire night was a blast. The next day, I called the restaurant to see if I could hunt down the couple's information to send them a thank you card and a picture of our group dancing the night away, just like they told us to, but the only thing I could get was their last name and that the waiter remembered they were visiting from out of state.
I think that about it now, that that meal was a ripple.
I try as often as I can, to pick up the tab of young groups of kids at coffee shops and restaurants, because I remember what it was like to dig in my dad's coin jar for money and I remember what it felt like to feel special for no reason at all.
I have yet to catch a group of kids at a neighboring table who are going to prom, but I know that day is coming. And when it does, I will tell them the same thing that couple told our group....you made us remember and be sure to dance the night away!