Last Thursday we brought 100+ high school students together to network with community members, and the day was magic!!
I had one student ask if the event could be twice as long next time! If that is not proof in the pudding, I don't know what is :).
Now on to college students...
I am excited to announce that on December 1st, we are creating a networking event for Drake University Students in Des Moines, IA!
Our goal is to create a structured opportunity for students to practice their networking skills with community members and gain valuable career insight.
This is where you come in….
We are in need of community members to be part of the speed networking session (12/01/23 from 1-2 PM at Drake University).
Below is a little bit more detail.
* We pair students with a community member to network and after 7-10 minutes they rotate around the room to meet additional community members.
* Community members are given conversation topics to cover (i.e. share your career journey or what do you do each day) and a few questions to ask the students (i.e. what do you plan to do after high school?). The goal is for the sessions to be fun and interactive!
Please encourage other community members to sign up!
Drake LEAD & Tom Buckmiller- Thanks for helping create such an impactful event!
Orbis - thanks for creating the day for high school students!