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Instead of "stay in your lane," I’m thinking we should say, "Drive well in your lane, but keep an eye on the bigger road."

 Just got back from a road trip to Omaha, where the zoo was a hit (perfect weather, too—no 100-degree days this time!). The kids loved the animals, and I was pretty taken by a fish that looked like it stepped out of Bridgerton with a fancy headpiece.

But between the fun and the overpriced snacks, my friend and I had a lively debate about a common phrase: "Stay in your lane."

At first, it sounds like good advice, but does it actually limit collaboration? When we tell people to stick to their own tasks, are we missing out on the bigger picture? Imagine a workplace where everyone not only nails their job but also understands how their work impacts the team as a whole.

Instead of "stay in your lane," I’m thinking we should say, "Drive well in your lane, but keep an eye on the bigger road." It’s about being a mindful, collaborative team player.

What do you think? Is it time to rethink this phrase?

Pic attached of Bridgerton Fish!



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