I'm so excited for Lynsey Mulder at Mulder Consulting and her SparkLife! Activation Workshop on March 1!
This workshop empowers you to embrace your passions, values, and strengths.
(You will even leave with a priority plan and tracker to use throughout the year… pretty awesome)
I've been working with Lindsey over the last few months, coaching through the creation process of an in-person event from advertising, marketing, and how to format an event navigating workshops and training.
And it’s HERE!!!!
This is one of my favorite parts of partnerships like this… when I get to take a step back, see all the work SHE did, and see it all come alive.
Better yet, join the fun! You can register to attend the SparkLife! Activation Workshop on March 1 here → https://lynseymulder.com/workshops if you’re ready to ignite your 2024