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If you have an idea, do it! If you have a crazy dream, follow it!

See you at Rising Tides! Grab your spot for our next Rising Tides today, click here

Still riding the waves from last week’s Rising Tides Connection Conference in Des Moines, IA!

I heard conversations about business, work, life, and everything in between.

As I was reading through the feedback forms, I wanted to shout to the world….If you have an idea, do it! If you have a crazy dream, follow it! If you are searching for your purpose or your people, start searching today! Create the ripple effect of your dreams.

A few of my favorite feedback form comments were:

· I now have the confidence to dream a little bigger and then start actually making moves toward the dream.

· I made strong connections and took a tool to implement with my team, as well as ideas, thoughts, and suggestions to digest. The day was energizing!

· I now have the inspired energy to do the “thing” and reach out for support. I am truly not as isolated as I believe I am.

· I feel like I can move forward with my idea and have a network of experts as friends.

· The day was a reset that I was looking for. It created space and time for me to think about other things outside my norm

· I have connections for my business, video production, and a small biz growth expert, can't wait to follow up!

The next Rising Tides will be on October 26th in Des Moines. It’s not too early to grab a spot. Link to sign up in comments.



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