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I am un-becoming and it feels great!

I thought that if I could only be quieter, dial in my energy (especially at work), and stop giving as many ideas, that would be the best thing to do...I became someone who accommodates others and not herself.

You know the kid who talks to much, has too much energy, gets excited about everything, and has overflowing crazy ideas?

That was me! And for a long time, even into adulthood, I thought this was a problem.

I thought that if I could only be quieter, dial in my energy (especially at work), and stop giving as many ideas, that would be the best thing to do...I became someone who accommodates others and not herself.

In many ways, I saw a lot of success with this, because I fit in and climbed the ladder quickly. But let me tell you, it was exhausting, draining, and I lost some of my shine. I wasn't being honest with the world.

I have slowly been coming out of my shell and it feels good to be me!! You might not notice the difference at first glance, but it's there. I give ideas and share, and now I smile more, feel brave more, and I am enjoying more.

A friend sent me this quote this morning and it is truly fitting! I am un-becoming and it feels great!


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