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Don’t underestimate the power of Two-Minute Moments!

Don’t underestimate the power of Two-Minute Moments!

In episode two of the Have Good Ripple Effect Podcast, I talked about the concept of "two-minute moments." Those brief interactions, which sometimes slip by without notice, leave a significant impact on the lives of others.

It’s like they say, “You may never know how long your words will stay in someone’s mind even long after you’ve forgotten you spoke them.” Right?!

This actually happened to me in high school during my internship, where the person took notice of my efforts and encouraged me to think beyond high school to college…and it wasn’t two minutes into the conversation that I started believing I could go for it.

It goes to show the power of intentionality and being present in those small, everyday interactions.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not always intentional or present, but it’s about consistency over perfection.

Where are the two-minute moments in your life that you might be letting pass you by? How can you make these moments count?

I challenge you to listen to the whole podcast episode and then look for opportunities to make a difference, even in the smallest ways. Maybe it's a kind word to a coworker or showing up with positive energy in a meeting. These moments truly add up and can create a positive ripple effect.

I love talking about these concepts, not only on the podcast but also when I'm keynote speaking and facilitating…Have Good Ripple Effect.


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