The pace, though not my natural, was worth every minute. My mind is sharper and more creative than I can remember. I am hoping to squeeze in a few more desk weeks this summer and I have already added this item to my JOY calendar.
I tend to be a workaholic if left unattended....but these past few weeks I slowed way down and had "desk weeks".
Weeks where I didn't actually sit at my desk much, but rather on my porch (the irony, right?). I caught up on paperwork, projects, and planned for the upcoming workshops, speaking gigs, and coaching.
The pace, though not my natural, was worth every minute. My mind is sharper and more creative than I can remember. I am hoping to squeeze in a few more desk weeks this summer and I have already added this item to my JOY calendar.
Do you have desk weeks coming up? If not, find a spot on your calendar and give yourself some breathing room, it will be worth it!
Cheers to a change of pace and a bit of porch sittin'!