I smile because that’s exactly what I hope you do today…that you add or remove the twigs in your life to make one heck of a nest to hold you.
We build our lives to hold us….
Yesterday I was having lunch with a friend, and we got to talking about life and how we get to choose or change a lot of things (where we live, our careers, things we eat for dinner, and everything in between). It takes persistence, courage, and grit to build a life that you dream of, but it’s true.
My friend turns to me during our conversation and says, “You know we really do build our lives to hold us.” The first thing that came to mind was an image of me in a birds nest (scary thought), but it also made me think about how birds actually create their worlds one little twig at a time.
I smile because that’s exactly what I hope you do today…that you add or remove the twigs in your life to make one heck of a nest to hold you.
Whether you are exhausted or exhilarated, I hope you add some amazing twigs (or, as always have amazing ripple effect today).
P.S. – adorable picture of my nephew for effect