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Are you a seed stomper or a seed planter?

I LOVED this idea to stop stomping on our seeds. When a new idea comes up, our brain comes up with a million reasons why it won’t work… or it’s not the right time…or it’s not possible…and we stomp on them.

The funny thing is that when we plant a garden, we don’t tend to our seeds 24/7… but rather plant them, give them attention and water from time to time, and let them do what seeds do: grow.

One of my friends sent me this video laughing, “This is something you would say!”

I LOVED this idea to stop stomping on our seeds. When a new idea comes up, our brain comes up with a million reasons why it won’t work… or it’s not the right time…or it’s not possible…and we stomp on them.

The funny thing is that when we plant a garden, we don’t tend to our seeds 24/7… but rather plant them, give them attention and water from time to time, and let them do what seeds do: grow.

A short time later, another friend mentioned that she felt self-improvement can be exhausting… “Do we always need to be growing and developing? I just don't have TIME to develop at the moment… is that ok?”

You can bet I showed her this video!

Because guess what: you CAN be growing, but not always tending….

Treat your idea like a seed that has the potential to be so much more in time.

So who do you identify with the most in this season of your life? Are you a seed stomper or a seed planter?


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