For example, I met Ron Sánchez at a coffee shop. We were both table neighbors working away each Saturday morning and quickly decided to be friends. That was a few years ago and have both since moved away from Milwaukee (and him back again).
I tell people often that I’m on a mission to meet a million people.
By meeting one person at a time. Plus the good news is, that wherever I go, there are new people to meet!
Literally, everywhere!
For example, I met Ron Sánchez at a coffee shop. We were both table neighbors working away each Saturday morning and quickly decided to be friends. That was a few years ago and have both since moved away from Milwaukee (and him back again).
We reconnected via Zoom and I invited him to attend the Rising Tides Conference.
Now to set the stage, Ron hates ”attending meetings or conferences where you have silly ice breakers and surface level connection.” (Don’t most of us!?)
And on face value, the Rising Tides Connection Conference might seem to be just that.
But he attended!
And in the end, Ron said this:
“It was the only "networking" event where I DIDN”T feel like I was in a room of scavengers looking for fresh meat to bring in the cash. It was a breath of fresh air where networking in its purest form took place, and you came away feeling like you made friends.”
My gosh, he nailed it.
Rising Tides Conference is, yes, a networking conference… but without the awkward standard introductions and feeling like fresh meat.
Your life and experiences grow through your network and the friends you make along the way, and I have been amazed on how everyone who’s attended a Rising Tides Conference embodies that.
Ready to join us? Our next Rising Tides is coming sooner than you’d think, October 26! Save your spot now by registering here https://keap.page/.../10-26-23-rising-tides-des-moines.html